At your fingertips.
You're always in the loop with instant encrypted messaging.
Stay in touch.
Make free and secure qTox to qTox calls.
Videre est credere.
qTox takes your privacy seriously.
With leading-class encryption, you can rest assured knowing that the only people reading your messages are the ones you send them to.
Za razliku od ostalih rešenja za komunikaciju, qTox od Vas ne zahteva da budete programer da biste ga koristili. qTox dolazi pripremljen sa interfejsom jednostavnim za upotrebu koji Vam omogućava da se usredsredite na komunikaciju.
qTox is both free for you to use, and free for you to change. You are completely free to both use and modify qTox. Furthermore, qTox will never harass you with ads, or require you to pay for features.