qTox  Version: nightly | Commit: bc751c8e1cac455f9690654fcfe0f560d2d7dfdd
IChatLog Member List

This is the complete list of members for IChatLog, including all inherited members.

addSystemMessage(const SystemMessage &message)=0IChatLogpure virtual
at(ChatLogIdx idx) const =0IChatLogpure virtual
getDateIdxs(const QDate &startDate, size_t maxDates) const =0IChatLogpure virtual
getFirstIdx() const =0IChatLogpure virtual
getNextIdx() const =0IChatLogpure virtual
itemUpdated(ChatLogIdx idx)IChatLogsignal
searchBackward(SearchPos startIdx, const QString &phrase, const ParameterSearch &parameter) const =0IChatLogpure virtual
searchForward(SearchPos startIdx, const QString &phrase, const ParameterSearch &parameter) const =0IChatLogpure virtual