qTox  Version: nightly | Commit: bc751c8e1cac455f9690654fcfe0f560d2d7dfdd
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCallConfirmWidgetThis is a widget with dialog buttons to accept/reject a call
 CCameraSourceThis class is a wrapper to share a camera's captured video frames
 CCoreFileManages the file transfer service of toxcore
 CCoreVideoSourceA VideoSource that emits frames received by Core
 CFrameBufferKeyA class representing a structure that stores frame properties to be used as the key value for a std::unordered_map
 CGenericChatFormParent class for all chatforms. It's provide the minimum required UI elements and methods to work with chat messages
 CGroupIdThis class represents a long term persistent group identifier
 CGroupInviteThis class contains information needed to create a group invite
 CGroupInviteFormThis form contains all group invites you received
 CGroupInviteWidgetThis class shows information about single group invite and provides buttons to accept/reject it
 CGUIAbstracts the GUI from the target backend (DesktopGUI, ...)
 CHistoryInteracts with the profile database to save the chat history
 CIPCInter-process communication
 CPassKeyDeleterFunctor used to free tox_pass_key memory
 CPosixSignalNotifierClass for converting POSIX signals to Qt signals
 CProfileHandles all qTox internal paths
 CProfileImporterThis class provides the ability to import profile
 CProfileInfoImplement interface, that provides invormation about self profile. Also, provide methods to work with profile file
 CProfileLockerLocks a Tox profile so that multiple instances can not use the same profile. Only one lock can be acquired at the same time, which means that there is little need for manually unlocking. The current lock will expire if you exit or acquire a new one
 CQueryA query to be executed by the database
 CRawDatabaseImplements a low level RAII interface to a SQLCipher (SQlite3) database
 CRecursiveSignalBlockerRecursively blocks all signals from an object and its children
 CSettingsSerializerSerializes a QSettings's data in an (optionally) encrypted binary format. SettingsSerializer can detect regular .ini files and serialized ones, it will read both regular and serialized .ini, but only save in serialized format. The file is encrypted with the current profile's password, if any. The file is only written to disk if save() is called, the destructor does not save to disk All member functions are reentrant, but not thread safe
 CSmileyPackMaps emoticons to smileys
 CSplitterRestorerRestore splitter from saved state and reset to default
 CToxEncryptEncapsulates the toxencrypsave API. Since key derivation is work intensive and to avoid storing plaintext passwords in memory, use a ToxEncrypt object and encrypt() or decrypt() when you have to encrypt or decrypt more than once with the same password
 CToxIdThis class represents a Tox ID
 CToxPkThis class represents a Tox Public Key, which is a part of Tox ID
 CToxStringHelper to convert safely between strings in the c-toxcore representation and QString
 CToxYUVFrameA simple structure to represent a ToxYUV video frame (corresponds to a frame encoded under format: AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P [FFmpeg] or VPX_IMG_FMT_I420 [WebM])
 CTransactionSQL transactions to be processed
 CVideoFrameAn ownernship and management class for AVFrames
 CVideoModeDescribes a video mode supported by a device
 CVideoSourceAn abstract source of video frames